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As the health care issues become more complex having nurses that are prepared with the necessary knowledge and training is vital. Technology is making huge advancements especially in health care, thus having nurses well informed and able to engage and work with new and modern systems can provide better care (Beldarrin, 2006). The future relies on educators of the past. Therefore having new innovative ideas and abilities to engage future nurses into a more enriched learning environment via different types of social media, will create an opportunity to facilitate collaboration, communication and problem solving for the future of health care (Rosenfeld, 2007).

In today’s society You Tube is one of the most sought after social media network. Bruke and Snyder in 2008 stated that utilizing YouTube as part of the teaching strategy offers innovation (Burke & Snyder, 2008). You Tube can offer a more user-friendly and efficient course of teaching and learning. Agazio and Buckely in 2008 added that You Tube can be a good accessory that educators can utilize as part of their curriculum and it would aide them in ways the never thought before (Agazio & Buckley, 2008). The use of technology is highly encouraged in nursing education, planning and participating in patient case scenarios through virtual reality; gaming and stimulation provide a safe teaching area for the student and the patient (Pardue & Morgan, 2008)

You Tube is an easy accessible social media website, anyone anywhere on any device can access You Tube, the majority of millennial students are highly familiar with You Tube and they do not know a day in their life where You Tube was not present. Traditional learning is being run down by the continuous use of smartphones, smartwatches’ tablets and others. Thus utilizing You Tube in the classroom can enhance learning with visual sources while capturing the student’s attention. The visual component aides students during those times where the clinical settings are not available or when there is an evident problem that students are finding it hard during their clinical practices. Visual aids in critical thinking, which is important for nursing students when they are in a clinical setting. Having the opportunity during classroom to acquire the necessary tools and skills for critical thinking through You Tube is a valuable objective that educators should thrive for. Engaging students in discussion both in the classroom or via online blogs

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The educator has a role to guide their students to which videos are highly informative and essential to watch. In creating an active discussion between students and educator about which are the ideal keywords that can be utilized while searching. Although You Tube is quite user friendly, students still might find it difficult to choose those videos that are reliable.

The short-timed You Tube videos make it easier to include as much as possible in a teaching session. You Tube content vary and is quite vast in the range thus educators have a greater selection on what to show the class. A variation of animations videos with humour or music are often the go to in governmental health advertisements or disease prevention to capture attention as fast as possible and to make people talk about it. The educator will have to lead the discussion and make student realize and establish and connection between the video given and the framework of learning. In the initial steps of the learning process students can have a visualisation of what happens in the human body as a side effect of certain medical conditions and also start to get an idea of what the patient goes through which will help in empathy. Nurses are not being trained only for clinical skills but also need to know the background of nursing the theories and how they developed to make nursing what it is today. Thus You Tube can be an essential tool in exploring videos of the lives of theorists or view conferences in order to continue develop professionally. Through searching, analyzing what is valuable and what is reliable can help the student to organize their thoughts, opinions and plan of action this will prove important when they try to make decisions during their day to day duties.

There are only few studies that actually focused on what is the relationship between You Tube and nursing education. Instead researchers focused on how students relate to You Tube. Snyder and Burke in 2008 established that 89% of the students claimed that You Tube enhanced their learning and wish that You Tube could be used on a frequent basis in class (Snyder & Burke, 2008). Another study done by Jaffar in 2012 studied the use of You Tube in learning about anatomy and he established that 92% of the students approved that You Tube helped them in learning anatomy (Jaffar, 2012). This establishes that the student’s perception on the use of You Tube for education is agreeable but it does not establish the actual relationship between You Tube and its impact on achievements. This is defined through a study done by Martin in 2009 were results clearly showed no correlation between grades and YouTube . A definite affirmation cannot be made whether YouTube is beneficial or not. Through an evaluation of advantages and disadvantages in the next chapter, one can have a better guidance on how You Tube can be made a better learning platform for future nurses.

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