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Imagine dying for a girl you met 5 days ago and don’t even know her well this is what happened in Romeo and Juliet and what my painting is based on. After doing some research on different kinds of paintings related to Romeo and Juliet and looking through different ideas I came up with a painting that symbolizes a really important message that I thought most of the movie was based on young love should not be a reason to kill yourself. If you care about a person you just met 5 days ago and decide to marry them but sadly nothing works out because you are young and making decisions without thinking about it. In my planning phase, I was mostly focusing on Romeo and Juliet’s death reason and their true love.
Suicide should not be a solution for dealing with young love problems. The love of Romeo and Juliet is just an infatuation. True love takes time to develop. Romeo and Juliet 5 days ago, which is not a long time for anybody to fall in love. For a play, it’s a nice story, just not for reality. Juliet kills herself with a dagger after Romeo kills himself with poison: This is thy shea; there rust and let me die.” This was not the best response to the question; young love is just based on emotions and being childish. The two did not meet or solve any obstacle together. They have an affection for one another, they always are thinking about each other and want to spend the entire time together. People who fall in love too early seem to misguide those affected, and those affected fall too deep in love which leads to a tendency of self-destruction.
Romeo and Juliet both made poor decisions. One indication of a wrong choice is in Act 2 Scene 4 where one day after they meet, Romeo and Juliet get married. This triggers their death, as their families are enemies to each other, and they had to keep their marriage secret. It almost always comes back when you have to keep something secret to hurt you, or someone you love. Another bad judgment, for example, is that Romeo kisses Juliet on the balcony all night in A. This was a really bad decision, because if Romeo hadn’t already snuck back into that To the Capulet property to kiss Juliet when they just met. Since he had let love take care of him, he had paid for his death, and the woman he loved. This is what my art is based on.
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