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Jordan is mostly known for his basketball career. He is a private person so not a lot is known about his personal life. What is known is very short. His time in the NBA is impressive. He is in the National Basketball Association’s Hall of Fame. Michael Jordan’s life began as a normal child but his career and talent made him very well-known.

Jordan was born to James R. Jordan and Deloris Jordan on February 17, 1963, in Brooklyn, NY. He is the youngest of his siblings. He has two brothers Larry and James. He also has two sisters Rosly and Deloris. They moved to Washington, North Carolina when he was very young. Jordan played street basketball as a kid but didn’t make the high school basketball team because he was too short. He is 6 foot 6 inches and weighs 216 pounds. He went to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was drafted in 1984 in the 1st round, 3rd by CHI. Experience.

Michael Jordan’s Net worth in 2018 is around 1.7 billion dollars. He earned his money by playing basketball and having a successful clothing and shoe line. Jordan had many awards with or without his team he was the Most Valuable Player in the National Basketball Association 5 times. He was also defensive player of the year in 1988 and rookie of the year

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1985. He was the NBA finals MVP in 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, and 1998. As well as the NBA 1st team 10 times and the NBA 2nd team once during his rookie season. He was also on the All-Defensive First team 9 times and the All-Star MVP 3 times. Then after his retirement, he played baseball for the Birmingham Barons which is a Double-A minor league affiliate for the Chicago White Sox.

Michael Jordan’s current wife is Yvette Prieto but was married to Juanita Vanoy for 7 years They had 3 kids Marcus, Jeffrey Michael, and Jasmine Michael. With his second wife Yvette, he had two daughters Victoria and Ysabel. Michael’s son, Marcus James Jordan, is a former college basketball player who played for the UCF Knights men’s.

Michael Jordan is one of the most well-known professional athletes. He was born in the Bronx, New York but grew up in Washington North Carolina where he played street basketball. He did not make his high school team as a freshman but went on to play college basketball. Later on, he played in the NBA and won many awards on his own. He has 5 children and has been married twice.

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