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The internet has become an essential part of our life and it is hard not to underestimate its influence in modern society. However, it is a very complicated question to answer about its positive and negative sides in terms of people’s reactions towards it.

Nowadays it is particularly impossible to live without modern gadgets. New technologies are used in everyday life by millions of people around the world. Social relationships between us are getting easier with the help of mobiles and the Internet. We may do everything online- buy things, do business, communicate with our friends, and exchange our opinions with others. Even distant education in overseas countries is available on the Internet. Everything you have to do is just to be connected to the global network. Apart from this, it opens wide fields for everyone who has ever used this helpful source of information and communication throughout the huge world. Social networks are getting more and more popular among young and middle-aged people, even elderly ones try to use this convenient means of communication.

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Nevertheless, the role of the internet in many negative aspects of our life is crucial. We are becoming more involved in the virtual world, without understanding all side effects of its usage. Children play violent and cruel games on the internet, sitting in front of a computer for hours. They don’t know another reality, but the virtual one. It really makes them internet addicted since their early years. Moreover, the number of crimes and suicides among teenagers has also grown dramatically. Violence, aggression, racial intolerance, and lechery are altogether the dangerous companions of the modern World Wide Web. Despite all the statements about the global connection between people, owing to the internet, we can see that many of them are incapable of having vivid communication with their relatives, neighbors, and colleagues at work. A lot of families don’t spend their free time together anymore; they are separated by the Internet from each other. In addition, many prefer to stay online the whole weekend and they really don’t care about surrounding reality.

To sum up, I would like to say that the internet is just a part of our life, like many other things and there will always be a lot of different judgments and opinions upon it. Furthermore, only we can do it better or worse for ourselves and our society as a whole. It is full of advantages and disadvantages, as well as everything in this world, but it’s up to us to stay connected with others or to be isolated in its diverse and extensive area.

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Has the Internet Positively or Negatively Impacted Human Society: Critical Essay.
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