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Today was a tremendous day full of surprises and discoveries. Earlier today, Amir presented me with another one of his many short stories. It was remarkable and I believe that he is a great writer in the making. He is likely to become a successful writer because he is showing interest in writing literature at a young age which I highly encourage because he will then have a great deal of time to learn more about it. Most writers spend years trying to achieve what this child has achieved in this story. I envy this boy and I am certain that he was given a gift by Allah himself.

I trust that he will attain some incredible fruits from life since he appears to have such a rare talent. I was amazed when is noticed that he had Irony in his story. The irony is a literary technique used in story writing only by a small number of writers and is one of the qualities that differentiate exceptional stories from dreadful ones. I have developed a great respect for this marvelous child, he was able to use his God-given gift in such an impressive and creative way. A great man told me once that a person who wastes his god-given talent is a donkey which is why I hope that in the impending future, Amir may hone his talent and become an even more exceptional writer than he currently is. I will continue to encourage him and help him develop his writing skill even more at any opportunity I get as Agha Sahib appears to have no interest in his child’s creative talent. A child such as Amir needs an individual who will encourage and correct him because the only way to succeed is by learning from feedback given by others.

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Moreover today I found more evidence of Amir’s one-sided relationship with his father Aga Sahib. Amir seemed to be trying to connect with his father on a personal level the whole day but he got constantly ignored. Such as the instance today when Amir brought the story he had written to his father to read, but Aga Sahib seemed to have no interest in it and dismissed him. I personally believe that Aga Sahib’s actions towards Amir are influenced by opinion, he seems to think that Amir is not masculine enough simply because he does not have the conventional characteristics of a “man”. Throughout my years of friendship with Aga Sahib, I know that he is a man of pride, he is a well-respected businessman and he is opinionated as he believes that a man should be brave and dominant, but Amir does not meet those characteristics because he enjoys writing instead of wrestling bears and buying expensive and luxurious cars as he does, therefore, he perceives him to be weak and fragile and therefore feels no need to direct his attention towards Amir. As a result of this isolation, Amir is desperate to prove himself to his father and I believe that this will eventually lead him to do something unjust that he will later regret.

I believe that a boy such as Amir should focus on his writing because it will open many doors for him in his lifetime and may lead to him being a very successful man like his father, however, I do not wish for him to have similar behavior with his father since Aga Sahib does not appreciate and support his god given gift his son has acquired. A man who does not support his child ends up hurting the child because the child may feel unloved by his parents, therefore, leading to the discouragement of the child, hence Amir’s gift may be forgotten and wasted. In my opinion, Amir should focus more on improving his moral values so that in the long term they are advantageous to himself instead of obsessing on to become more like his father. This negatively affects him since he and his father and two individuals that are utterly different. Hopefully, their relationship improves and benefits both of them in the future.

Amir and Hassan have a fantastic relationship but I think it is separated by their social classes. They play as children play, exploring their surroundings and sharing adventures. Hassan appears to love Amir without limits or conditions. Amir, however, is inconsistent in his treatment of Hassan; sometimes he treats Hassan as his friend, but frequently he abuses Hassan, lording over him his superior social class, education, and position as Baba’s son. Hassan is, after all, a Hazara and a servant in the house. Hassan suffers the brunt of Amir’s insecurities without complaint.[footnoteRef:2] I personally think that Hassan plays a major role in Amir’s development as a writer because he serves as the audience for Amir’s short stories. Today I saw them in the cemetery under a tree conversing with Amir’s book in his hands. This leads me to think that maybe they were helping each other develop their literary skills as Hassan has no experience with reading.


  1. ‘Explain Amir and Hassan’s Friendship in The Kite Runner.’ Accessed February 27, 2019.
  2. Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018.

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