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The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast followership and servant leadership. In the military, no matter where you go, there will be followers and there will be leaders among your team. So, basically, in order for a mission to get accomplished, leaders of a unit should have their soldiers to have a role among the two. Followership and servant leadership are shown within the seven Army values as well.
Followership in Army term means “actions of someone in a subordinate role”. Therefore, he or she have to be willing and able to follow a leader. There are 5 types of followership. Which are known as, sheep, alienated followers, yes people, effective followers, and survivors. Followers can be dependent or independent and they can be either active or passive.
The servant-leader shares power, “puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible” (Jeff Foley, April 24, 2017). Sometimes, leaders are taken for granted; however, they have respect and will help one another to complete the mission. Servant leaders give direction and guidance to their soldiers for what need to be done and how to do it. Therefore, leaders have more responsibility than followers.
Followership and servant leadership have similarities as well; they are both independent, critical thinkers, and also caring people. In the United States Army, all soldiers live by the 7 Army values. They all can make a great follower as well as a great leader. Servant leadership and followership consist of having different decision making also. Leaders have the final call no matter of the situation. On the other side, followers don’t. Even if the follower doesn’t agree with the leader’s decision, he or she still has to complete the task.
In conclusion, servant leadership and followership both have similarities and differences. The main difference in my opinion is the fact that the followers have less choice of decision-making. If the military don’t have followers and leaders in the organization, it probably wouldn’t work out as requested. It’s important to remember that everyone isn’t meant to be a leader; some people need to be guided and that’s very acceptable. Without the followers, the leaders wouldn’t be in their position because they wouldn’t have nobody to guide. Hopefully this can also be a motivation for the follower to work harder to reach a goal such as becoming a leader one day.
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