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IIT Gandhinagar provides more than 50 humanities and social sciences courses. Each course has its importance. These humanities and social sciences courses play a huge role in every student’s life. Humanities courses help us to develop the qualities of being humane. Humanities also give us a taste of art and literature. Whereas social sciences teach more about society and human relationships. This study of our society helps us to find a way to come up with solutions for the problems which our society is facing. Eventually, we can improve our society.

Studying humanities and social sciences will not only improve the traditional aspects but also affect a wide range of fields like economics, politics, history, etc. These can help anyone in leading a satisfying professional life.

Every b tech undergraduate at IIT Gandhinagar should study at least 8 HSS courses in his 4 years. That means every semester has one humanities and social sciences course along with the remaining courses. These humanities and social science courses are very helpful in leading a successful life.

Students will have their regular courses which teach the technical stuff in their respective branches, but these humanities and social sciences courses are like catalysts that teach the importance of those regular courses, and their usage in a wise manner.

Language is the most important thing when it comes to communication and understanding other people, here at IIT Gandhinagar we have courses that teach different languages like Japanese, French, Urdu studies, etc learning these languages increases the chance of securing a job in that country relative to those who have no knowledge of the language.

Some HSS courses like global political economy teach us about the interlink between politics and economics. This political economy is a very important factor in a country’s development.

HSS courses like archaeology help to know more about human history by studying the excavation of sites.

There are humanities and social sciences courses that will help in developing writing skills, which also helps us by teaching the techniques of writing for the mass media, which helps us in reporting and broadcasting news.

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Philosophy is an HSS course that helps us to develop a habit of thinking and asking questions about the most fundamental things around the world. This course helps us in developing a strong character of not taking things for granted and trying to look into any situation from multiple perspectives. This kind of thinking and questioning is required in every field of science.

Humanities and social sciences courses will teach us the ways to control our emotions and actions or take steps according to the ongoing situation. Humanities and social sciences also make us aware of the various social problems. They also teach us the histories of various countries all over the world, and also the different cultures and traditions present in every corner of India. There are some humanities and social science courses that help us in dealing with poverty around the country and the various remedial aids that can be taken to control the situations.

Some HSS courses also involve scientific research within them. A good example of this is anthropology.

Economics is also one of the humanities and social science courses. Economics helps us by teaching the behavior of producers and consumers at different conditions and also showing the different types of equilibrium that can be achieved in the market. These aspects will help us in designing a product according to its demand in the market.

There are also courses which will help us in strengthening our leadership qualities. This also helps in political issues through which we will be able to make modifications in the whole system in such a way that it benefits all the people. We will also get awareness about the caste systems and regional issues happening in our country. These courses not only give exposure to such problems but also help us in thinking and analyzing the situations so that we can come up with some remedies.

Humanity and social sciences also teach us empathy, so that we can connect with different people understand their situation, and respond accordingly. Moreover, we can improve our presentation skills with the help of some humanities and social science courses. Presentation plays a vital role when it comes to securing a job or leading the job successfully.

Humanities and social sciences teach us the techniques to lead a successful life. At IIT Gandhinagar, we have many humanities and social science courses so that we can have exposure to many things.

To conclude, IIT Gandhinagar has provided a lot of humanities and social sciences courses that help students in many ways. These courses will help us in analyzing every problem very carefully and thinking critically about the problem. These also help in developing the habits of creative thinking and viewing a situation from multiple perspectives. These also develop the habits of decision-making wisely. Even after passing out from college, these courses will remain helpful in one’s respective profession. These courses help in communicating with others in a better way. They help us understand and do everything without missing ethics and morals. These humanities and social sciences courses will give us the confidence to face any challenge in our profession, which will help us to lead a successful professional life. What we learn from these HSS courses never goes to waste. If learned properly these courses will play a major role in everyone’s life. These courses will help in improving your leadership qualities.

But most importantly the contents learned from these courses are useful in every profession we may take. Humanities and social science courses will give you knowledge of almost everything at least to some extent. These courses will help not only your professional life but to a large extent, these will help you with your personality development.

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