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Whenever I think of trains, I think of it as the start of an adventure, the start of discovering something new about ourselves. I think of all the accomplishments that led to our modern train. It symbolizes freedom, a transportation that enables from being confined in one place. However, in the story, we see the repeated significance of trains and their connection to the Gangulis. The countless accidents faced by the Gangulis on the trains will contribute to their development as individuals and as family members.

One significant incident that occurred on a train ride would be when Ashoke was visiting his grandfather. This trip led to him meeting Ghosh, a guy who influenced him to explore the world. It was also because of this tragedy that Ashoke understood the unpredictability of life and persuaded him that he should take the opportunity and travel to America to pursue a better living when he was still young. Although this accident may seem like a tragedy, this is the trigger that led Ashoke to be ambitious.

Ever since Ashima arrived in the United States, she has longed for her family back in Calcutta. She always maintained an unpleasant feeling towards America. She had a hard time adapting to her American life at first. But her attitude altered slightly because of a train ride. That day, Ashima went gift shopping for her relatives in Calcutta and accidentally left her presents on the train. To her astonishment, she was able to retrieve her shopping bags, which she thought she was going to lose forever. At this moment, her opinion of Americans and the country shifted. She realized that she would never see this nice gesture if this were to happen in Calcutta. It is the first sign of Ashima comfortably adapting to her new environment.

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It was also a train ride that led Gogol to understand the origin of his name and learn a bit more about his father. He was traveling home from college to celebrate the holiday with his family. There was a suicide that took place on the train. Gogol told his father about this incident, who decided that this was the time to tell Gogol about the accident that almost took his life. At this moment, Gogol was finally able to build a sense of empathy towards Ashoka. This is the first step to Gogol accepting his name and identity.

Towards the end of The Namesake, Gogol tells us about the train ride when he learns of his wife’s affair. This made him understand how unhappy his marriage with Moushumi is. They were able to get a divorce, setting him free from the chains of his marriage that he had been tied to. From this experience, he learns what he desires in his partner. Trains play as the tie between Gogol and his family and his culture.

Overall, I think a train ride shows the trip through our lives. It always has a starting and an ending point but with uncertainty in the middle. It is these uncertainties that gradually shape a character.     

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