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From the birth of Panem, the great capital is the one that governs over all the other districts. President Snow who lives in the capital calls it the brain, his dictatorship and theft of freedom from the other districts the examples of sovereignty that will be looked at. Following the main character Katniss, we see her grow out of the capital’s rules. Along the way, she meets other people who also begin to defy the capital’s rules.
Home of Katniss, District Twelve is classed as a mining district, responsible for producing all of Panem’s raw building material. The job of mining is reserved for the male population leaving the women to do the supporting jobs. This allows Katniss to be somewhat free from not working, she only has to support her family. She does this by hunting for food outside of District Twelve’s fence to either eat or trade, what she does is illegal giving the first clue of her resistance nature to the capital. The annual Hunger Games was created to remember the sacrifice that gave birth to Panem, two tributes from each of the twelve districts are picked to fight to the death in a game arena. After volunteering to take her sister’s place in the Hunger Games her world is turned upside-down. She is now forced to fight for her life for the capital’s pleasure sparking a deeper hate for the twisted capital’s sovereignty. As the story develops people start to notice that Katniss is different than anyone else who has battled, from shooting an arrow right by the game maker heads to earning the unheard-high score of eleven Katniss’s wit bothers President Snow. As the Hunger Games ends Katniss and the other members from District Twelve, Peta are the last two left, but there can only be one victor. The love for each other that has grown since the reaping is too great and each wants to die for the other, until Katniss has the idea that they could both eat poison berries at the same time and die together. As the capital and everyone across Panem see this unfold, a cry into the arena calls out letting both Katniss and Peta be crowned victors. A true demonstration against capital power is a small sign that President Snow does not have control over her life.
On the train ride over to the Capital, Katniss meets District Twelve’s previous victor, Haymitch. Drunk and mad he has to mentor Katniss thinking she is gonna die in the games quickly changes when he gets to know her. As his job, he is there to prepare Katniss and Peta for the Hunger Games, his advice is more about the strategy behind winning than actually fighting to victory. Being from District Twelve, he is also against capital sovereignty, much like Katniss he is witty, but never stood up to President Snow in the same way. Seeing the momentum behind Katniss’s actions he follows and always reminds her that the Capital is the real enemy. Being blessed by the Capital’s riches from his victory Haymitch is still mad at the old life he will never get back, knowing this is another reason he decides to help Katniss. When Katniss is in the games and unable to communicate Haymitch helps by gathering people to sponsor her supplies. The few times he did were vital and saved her life like medicine cream for her wounds or water for her dehydration. Even with so little control, Haymitch helped fight the capital through Katniss and President Snow could not stop him.
The creator behind Katniss’s image was Cinna, he created the “girl on fire” which would become the face of the revolution. He used his art to create a symbol of power for Katniss to use against the capital. His dress brought attention to Katniss helping her earn supporters and sponsors for the game. From the start, we know through the conversations with Katniss that he
is in support of the revolution. He also wears a matching mockingjay pin to Katniss and incorporates it in the dress she wears. More subtle gestures like the hand symbol representing the mocking jay flashed to Katniss at her interview are all the little freedoms of power that Cinna used to get the revolution started. He was not afraid to be silenced because he believed that Katniss was special.
Each one of these characters contributed in different ways, but they all had the same will to take down the capital. The little bit of freedom they had, they used to make a statement against the capital’s sovereignty. The risks they took paid off leaving a dangerous chapter in Panem’s history to unfold.
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