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In most tales, there is an epic quest played out by a protagonist character. This character can be openly declared as the hero, or be a simplistic and mundane person who unintentionally takes the hero role. In The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins ends up being that hero and works through a wild crusade he never consummately signed up for.
Our narrative begins with a Hobbit living within the beautiful shire. He lives in tranquillity in his hobbit home, safe from the uncertainties of the world. He believes he is content, after all, he is reverenced and positively relishes his seven meals and comfortable lifestyle. That is until his call to adventure presents itself to him in the form of Gandalf the wizard. Gandalf and Bilbo share a brief conversation. All seems well until the wizard indicates an adventure to be had “I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone.”(Tolkien 4) Bilbo is disturbed by this and urges Gandalf to depart. This is the refusal of his adventure “Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not today. Good morning!”(Tolkien 6) Bilbo instead invited Gandalf to tea and then proceeded to allude to the comforts of his abode once more. Gandalf once alone etches a mark into Bilbo’s door. This mark later caused the dwarves who were looking for a burglar, to stop by and stay for dinner. Bilbo is very displeased but somewhere in the mayhem and teasing, he accedes to go along on this quest for treasure. He runs out last second to join the party and answer the call.
Soon Bilbo commences facing challenges. He and his group find themselves in a cave to rest only to be plagued by goblins. Bilbo gets himself lost in the process and finds himself entirely alone for the very first time. He finds himself uneasy on his own but endures. He stumbles across a lake and in turn, discovers a ring and Gollum. This is his first one-on-one conflict. They ask each other riddles to which clever Bilbo stumps Gollum by asking ‘What have I got in my pocket? ‘(Tolkien 78) Quickly after Bilbo has to elude the cave-dweller, and when he does he has pushed past his first test, of course, there are many more to come. Bilbo’s greatest challenge, the abyss of his journey, is where he has to become one with his adventure. This abyss is Smaug the dragon. During this part of the crusade, Bilbo gives himself many indications to show his maturity and demonstrate his efforts, such as ‘clue-finder…web-cutter, the stinging fly… a friend of bears…guest of eagles…ringwinner…luckwearer….barrel-rider’ (Tolkien 223) This fascinates Smaug to some degree. In this part of the story, Bilbo has to leave his fear and skepticism behind to come out as a more durable person, it is his rebirth. These titles he gained are part of his old self but also his persona.
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