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Beginning: It all started with Buck and his owner Judge Miller who lived in Santa Clara Valley. Buck is a very muscular dog which is worth lots to gold rushers, some men came to beat Buck and threw him on a train to Seattle. The men deprived him of food and water for 2 days, when they arrived he attacked his handler, who was in a red sweater. The handler sees Buck pull out his clubs and beat the poor dog. That’s where Buck learned primitive law, after his handler beats him, he gives Buck food and water.

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Middle: Buck’s handler sells Buck to a Canadian government worker named Perrault. Perrault takes Buck to Dyea Beach, which is a complete nightmare, dogs and men here are savages. Buck watches Curly, a dog who was shipped with him get killed by vicious dogs. This experience is his first lesson in the law of club and fang. Francois, who works with Perrault puts Buck to work, he puts him in a position to haul firewood. As a sled dog, Buck learns fast, when they return to Dyea Beach, Buck soon discovers that Perrault has bought another dog, his name is Solex and he has one eye. That day, Buck has to sleep outside in the cold, and Dave another dog teaches him how to dig a hole to stay warm. They travel to Lake Lavar and the environment is awful and there are no places to hide from the elements, Buck finds a nice overhang and decides to go find food. When he comes back, Spitz is lying there, growling to defend the spot, this turns into an all-out fight, and Buck wins and leaves Spitz with broken legs and many injuries, Due to those injuries, the wild huskies kill the dog.

End: Buck thinks this is how he will get into the lead harness, but they move Solex up instead of Buck and Buck jumps to the front again and Francois moves Solex into the lead harness. Buck would not take it and moved back. They finally let Buck into the lead harness and he turns out to be an amazing leader. He pushes everyone to their max until they reach their destination. They were expecting a long rest but no, the Canadian government wants the letter delivered now. So they sent out Hal,  Charles, and Mercedes. They fed the dogs too much, packed wrong, and went over the lake that Thortan told them not to go on but they still did and they and their dogs died. Buck loved Thorton and even tried to jump off a cliff when Thortan said to do so. While sleeping, A raiding party of yeehats raid and kill Thortan and his friends. Buck goes mad and kills lots of yeehats, The yeehats tell a tale of a large wolf that led a huge pack that protected the ones they were with.

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