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In wanting to be a physical education teacher we have goals and standards that we want to reach. There are different ways that we can see the outcome of our future but we as humans have the idea and mentality to overlook the different ways we can see physical education through a philosophical perspective. It’s not just about sports but more than that, we have to see what we are capable of doing within our knowledge and look at the bigger picture of each individual. From my point of view, I will be looking into physical education in a way that I have never broken it into by getting into deeper reasoning of why it is so important to me. I’ll be addressing fair play, the equality, inspiration, and support of how I see physical education from my perspective.

Sports have a way of how much it means to a person and how much it can impact their lives throughout their lifetime. What is fair play? To be successful in a sport but then again could prepare you for the real world out of physical activity. The value of having fair play could be put into practice for us to have a good and better place to see each other. This could bring a lot into perspective because I could tell my experiences that I’ve had being a student-athlete. This has helped me see better ways of how much of a role model it can show by giving back to a sport you love and allows me to inspire athletes to have a better understanding of how it is important to have the spirit of fair play. There are different values that everybody needs to maintain, to reach greatness but our actions can affect the bigger picture because we tend to lose our temper and we don’t realize we are affecting the people around us. People defined fair play as just following the rules of the game and just accepting to defeat the opponent. We as humans can manage the way we see fair play by embodying and complex notion of a sport and our everyday lifestyles.

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Physical education is inspiring in a way where students from different backgrounds and ethnicities unite together as one. It brings joy to see how much a student can learn from different cultures to move forward toward their goals. One of the major causes that may happen in the field is where students can manage their equipment or just want to be with males. There is always a way where you can bring together two groups that can’t be with each other or decide to separate from girls because they are too afraid their friends will say something. Equality is a point where you have to address and reinforce to the group that way they have an idea of what it is and how can they change their ways of thinking by giving them knowledge with this such thing called “Title IX”. In this thing called equality, it said, “No person in the United States shall, based on sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.’ (Title IX article) We as instructors have to educate young kids to have a better understanding of how much this has impacted women in previous years and with this, we can have an open mind to change our ways of thinking. We tend to believe that we are always doing the correct thing but managing the problem and giving back our understanding of why Title IX has been around for decades, which we introduce into our physical education setting.

We as educators have experienced different things within our life period. Gaining knowledge through our teaching and seeing how bigger role models do their thing by giving back to students who deserve a better style of teaching. Inspiration could be an important piece to the puzzle by giving back what you know and making an impact on students’ lives. As a student that’s always been my number one goal is to give these children the best education they’ve ever had. They could go back in serval years and say “Wow” this teacher impacted my life for the better and made me realize a lot about the real world. Our purpose is to teach them lessons that will prepare them for the real world such as respecting, communicating, and understanding what physical education can do within a person’s life. The amount of work we put into a school will determine how much students leave your class with more information to understand why physical education is important. This article mentions “For instance, the ethical or moral controversies in sport can give teachers a range of educational stimuli for debate, reasoning, and critical thinking.” (Physical education Article) We want to challenge ourselves to make our students grow as great adults by inspiring and motivating them to do better at a sport or to even get along with some friends they doubted when they first saw them. The little details may determine how much you can impact a student’s point of view and could be a major goal you set at the beginning of the year.

In conclusion, as educators, we want what’s best for our future students. Gaining knowledge and seeing the bigger picture of how we can look into physical education through a philosophical perspective could determine how much it can impact a student’s point of view. These four things can be a major difference from my teaching view and I am sure to take care of each step so students can see how much physical education means to the world. We can change lives and seek deeper how much we can expand our thinking to a whole different matter and that way we can inspire future students.  

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