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Very disguised about his action: Capote repeats the sentence that is told by Perry very often that “I think think there must be something wrong with us”. This is shown in pages 108, and 110. Additionally, it shows how frustrated that Richard is when he hears about this.

He is not a bad man by nature, it’s just the nurture: Page 109: “Deep down, way, way rock-bottom… a thing like that”. This is proof that he is benevolent.

Even when doing bad things to others, he still shows empathy and emotions: Page 103: “Then, too, Dewey had become aware… he destroyed them, a certain twisted tenderness”.

The symbol that we chose is a radio which is supposed to symbolize that of Kenyon’s which was stolen (by Perry) after the murder. Evidence can be found at the bottom of page 102, and page 106.

Richard was a criminal for most of his life, he was living off stolen goods and cashing illegal check. This is shown on the first paragraph of page 24 when Capote says “ Twice married, twice divorced, now twenty-eight and the father of three boys, Dick had received his blow role in the condition that he reside with his parents…”

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-Richard is almost psychotic, he lives for violence and doesn’t feel remorse for violence, this is shown on page 107 when it states “The car was moving. A hundred feet ahead, a dog trotted along the side of the road. Dick swerved toward it…. and the impact, as it met the car, was little more than what a bird might make”

-Richard is also intelligent, but rough on the outside… he knows he is capable of more but he doesn’t know how to achieve it, This is shown when truman capote says “ (Actually, he was very intelligent. An I. Q. test taken in prison gave him a rating of 130; the average subject, in prison or out, scores between 90 and 110.)” on page 20.

-The symbol we chose to use was a pineapple because Richard is rough and spiky on the outside, and likeable on the inside, you just have to get through the skin… in richard’s case he is the one that must figure out how to peel his own skin and become his full potential

The reader is supposed to feel bad/sad for Perry, and supposed to feel like Dick is the mastermind of this whole murder case. Capote accomplishes this by using syntax rhetoric, specifically repetition in pages 108 through page 110, more specifically “Know what I think? Said perry, I think there must be something wrong with us”.

Perry and Richard are being juxtaposed by Capote for the sole purpose that the reader could feel the relationship and the changes to each of the characters as more events occur.  

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