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Child obesity is increasing at such an alarming rate, that health professionals fear obesity will become the new normal. You would think adults have more control over which foods their child consumes, and one would encourage them to eat healthy to prevent obesity right? Well, eating healthy is only the beginning.
On average 1 in 3 children are considered obese or overweight. While most people think child obesity stems from making the wrong choices, that’s not necessarily the case. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), The number of overweight or obese infants and young children (aged 0 to 5 years) increased from 32 million globally in 1990 to 41 million in 2016, (‘Facts and figures on childhood obesity’, 2019) and continues to climb as years go by. Newborn children don’t have command over being corpulent, and shouldn’t be held responsible. The government should execute healthy solutions for kids from birth, and allow them to carry on in existence without the chance of future medical problems.
Billions of dollars are spent on healthcare costs related to obesity. Each year, specialists are diagnosing more young kids with diabetes and hypertension. Diabetes, a disease that influences how sugar is processed by the body, was anticipated by specialists to be more prevalent in children born after the year 2000. Of those children, 70 percent will acquire at least one health factor related to heart disease. They are considered more likely to have a shorter lifespan than their parents. Typical reasons suggest childhood obesity can also be related to genetic background. Research conducted by the University College London shows genetics and obesity are closely related. Chances are, a child inheriting obesity estimates over 50% (‘Study finds strong genetic component to childhood obesity’, 2013). A few experts question whether children born to overweight parents are overly nourished early in life. Are they given bigger portion sizes from the early stages? Or on the other hand, do they emulate whatever propensities seen from their parents?
Given that children look up to grown-ups as good examples, a child displays habits and behaviors from others than themselves. Overweight children experience more psychological consequences than children who are not. Kids of younger age say other children prefer not to play with them, or that they are often picked last for physical games. About 25% of sixth graders said that they’ve encountered harassment, teasing, or are often rejected by their peers because of their size. Among those students, harassment increased by 60% once they attended high school. Parents reported seeing their children being unable to focus in school, failing classes, and being unable to maintain friendships. Moreover, teens are viewed to develop eating disorders due to bullying. The Centers for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC) revealed seeing children being diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem (‘Causes and Consequences of Childhood Obesity’, n.d.). This has increased from the 1970’s by 500%.
The absence of better food choices also contributes to child obesity. Fast food portion sizes have tripled, if not quadrupled since the 1950’s. Instead of a home-cooked meal, more families resort to the quick and convenient option of getting fast food. But the price can also be factored into obesity. For example, a double cheeseburger from McDonald’s costs less than a McDonald’s salad, prompting parents to choose the option that they can afford regardless if it’s unhealthy. On top of that, minors eat a considerably large amount of processed GMO foods instead of organic/plant-based foods leading to significant weight gain. If students eat fatty foods before school, their bodies won’t have the option to perform to their most elevated capacity. Before Michelle Obama executed better nourishment decisions for school lunches, students had the option to eat anything they wanted. I for one, had the option to eat curly fries with nacho cheese, and vending machines stocked with soft drinks each Tuesday. In any case, who’s to express that since schools changed to more beneficial menu alternatives, adolescents shouldn’t be overweight? Consider the possibility that kids decide to pack a sack lunch with undesirable nourishment decisions. Would changing school menus have been in vain?
Speaking of school changes, more students lack the physical exercise needed to maintain a healthy weight. Of the primary schools in the United States, 90% of them don’t have physical education classes. Fewer children walk to school than any other generation. Outside of school, adolescents would prefer to stay in and play video games than do physical activities outdoors. Studies led by Dr. J Renae Norton, show children of this generation spend at least 8 hours every day in front of the television (Norton, 2012). Weight reduction happens when physical movement surpasses the quantity of calories eaten. Without enough exercise, how could one burn off the calories they’ve consumed?
If enough action isn’t taken to give children a more beneficial solution, they will be content with being overweight and display that to future generations. For starters, if we incorporated foods that kids love into plant-based foods, replaced high fructose juices with flavored water, and swapped out greasy chips with 100 calories or fewer snacks we may gain ground with battling child obesity. We as a community need to show kids that with enough drive and assurance, they won’t be labeled as a statistic. Adolescents need alternatives that won’t just assist them with their present weight goals, but keep them dynamic for a considerable length of time to come.
A child’s life expectancy shouldn’t need to be cut short as a result of nourishment and physical action decisions. What’s more, no kid should need to bear coronary issues dependent on their parent’s powerlessness to have cash for better alternatives. If each parent was given the proper knowledge to prevent infancy obesity, and youngsters were without given free gym membership passes along with incentives based on their interests for working out, children may jump at the opportunity to get healthy.
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