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For many people, she is an idol, the best, most inspiring person ever. She went from being a farm girl and collecting insect eggs from her family’s farm to performing her own songs worldwide in front of big audiences, inspiring many people, including me. Taylor Swift is the queen of pop and a big role model to people around the world.

Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 19, 1989 in West Reading, Pennsylvania. Her parents are Andrea Swift and Scott Kingsley. She also has a brother named Austin. Her family owned a Christmas Tree farm in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, and Taylor helped collect eggs from the insects that burrow there. She was also a straight A student in school, and even though she was pretty smart, people bullied her because of her curly hair, and she was treated like an outcast in middle school by her peers because she wanted to become a country singer when she grew up. She was primarily influenced by Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, and her grandmother, who was an opera singer.

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At the age of 10, she was singing karaoke locally, and in 2002, sang the national anthem at the Philadelphia 76ers game. The year after that she moved to Nashville, Tennessee, to pursue her career as a country singer and started working with the New York music manager – Dan Dymtrow. When she was 16, she sang at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, that helped her get a contract with Scott Borchetta’s Big Machine Records, and she became the youngest artist ever to get signed by the Sony/ATV Music Publishing.

In 2006, she released her first single ‘Tim McGraw’, which became a top 10 hit on the country charts and sold over 5 million copies. She released many songs after, including ‘Our Song’, which became the number 1 country music hit. In 2008, she released her second album and won a Grammy Award for Best New Artist, but that was only the start of many more awards. Even after all that fame, at the 2009 VMAs, Kayne West stated in public that she was undeserving. But that didn’t change people’s opinion on her, and later on Kayne apologized and said she was very talented.

Taylor Swift is my idol, an amazing performer, who inspires me. One day I want to grow up and be like her: generous, brave, inspiring and fearless. She says, “Fearless is having fears but jumping anyway”. Despite all her troubles on her road to fame, she is very generous and donates a lot of money to charities in need. It took a lot of work, time and effort for Taylor Swift to get to where she is today.

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