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Illegal immigration is a diverse issue with many perspectives and ideas of how it should be handled. On the far left, some want to completely get rid of borders and let people migrate freely. To them, the right to exclude people is incompatible with democracy as it insinuates that there’s a lower class of people who don’t deserve the same rights as everyone else. We’re supposed to be a country of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, it’s not right to hold that back from people and not give a voice to the people who live here or want to live here, documented or not. This goes against the egalitarian belief that everyone is equal so opportunities should also be equal. Going along with the idea of equality, there could be any time that Americans become refugees or could’ve been born as someone seeking asylum, so why should America hold its borders back for people who are? The borders can also hurt US citizens because they could be arrested for aiding those who crossed illegally. Overall, the borders aren’t helping anyone and are unfairly cruel to all who try to come through. The goal is the extreme idea of internationalism, that because we as people and nations are equal, there’s no need for borders to divide us. Borders are exclusionary and allow privilege to prevail, so we need to get rid of the concepts of nationalism or citizenship entirely. There can’t be illegal immigration if there are no borders to cross illegally. To get closer to the ideal of open borders, supporters vote for anything that promotes immigration and makes it more open to immigrants. It’s a little step toward the bigger goal of having completely open borders for all who wish to enter the country. The government is going too slow and not making big enough changes, so all they can do is nudge in the right direction while making their cause widely known. Supporters are quite adamant that there is no middle ground and that we can’t wait for a good political landscape to make their voices heard. People are waiting and suffering at the border, so how could we expect them to wait until there’s good timing?

On the far right side are the restrictionists, who are the extreme against illegal immigration and immigration as a whole. To them, it threatens the natural order in what should be a strictly ordered society. There’s a strong sense of nativism, a mix of nationalism’s pride in one’s country and xenophobia’s general disdain for the foreign. They not only believe that their country is the best, but that non-native element disrupts and threaten the nation. Having a closed border protects the values of order and stability, and by eliminating the possibility of new elements, everything will be safe. It goes along with ethnopluralism, that people are divided by their ethnicity and are equal but should stay segregated. It’s a strong “us versus them” mindset and the idea for reform reflects this too. The idea is that all borders are closed, citizenship is based on ethnicity, and that people either have the choice to assimilate to the culture or be kicked out. It’s believed that immigration is correlated with crime and that progressive politicians support immigration to get their votes, so if the border is closed off, everything will be back in order how the country should run. They want intense security at the border and support bills that lean in that direction. They believe all issues can be solved with punishment and by teaching “moral” and “traditional” standards in school. The restrictionists believe the best way to handle illegal immigration is through closing off any opportunity for entry and promoting order.

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