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The use of energy drinks has increased majorly over the past years. They have increased in popularity, especially among children and teens. They are said to give you energy, but they are also very deadly at the same time. So, when consuming energy drinks, what are you really consuming? As when they are consumed, they can lead to many health risks, many side effects and they can also lead to death.

Many people believe that energy drinks should be banned totally and not be legal, even for people over 18 years of age as a 500ml energy drink can contain more than 13 teaspoons of sugar, which can lead to life threatening risks and illnesses. Consuming a large amount of sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, but not only can a large amount of sugar cause type 2 diabetes, it can also be caused by a high consumption of caffeine component, which reduces insulin sensitivity in the body.

One of the main ingredient sin energy drinks is niacin. Niacin has its benefits but it can cause dizziness and rapid heart rate. Niacin is known as vitamin B3 which is an important nutrient that every part of your body needs for it to function properly. Niacin is known to help lower cholesterol, ease arthritis and boost brain function as well as other things, however if a large dose is taken, it can cause serious side effects.

The acidic ingredients used in energy drinks have a high amount of artificial flavors/sweeteners to make the drink taste better. These ingredients affect your organs functions and lead to belly fat accumulation. Also, the excess sugar and calories in energy drinks can result in weight gain.

Many people believe that energy drinks are even worse than alcohol if you abuse them, as they can become addictive and they can cause lack of sleep. So, some people believe that when people need energy they should eat carbs, not drink large amounts of caffeine, sugar and other ingredients that are found in energy drinks.

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Energy drinks are very dangerous as it can cause late miscarriage to pregnant women and it can result in low birthweight.

Taking energy drinks consistently can result in chronic health complications and osteoporosis which is due to the caffeine component that makes your body lose calcium, resulting in weak bones. Mixing caffeine in energy drinks interacts with heart medication drugs causing arrhythmia. Also, large amounts of caffeine can result to irregular heartbeats and sometimes even hallucinations.

Large quantities of sugar and caffeine can affect kid’s concentration and their attention. They are known to make you jittery and too excitable and even worse they can become very addictive.

Now to prevent the use of energy drinks the government has launched a public consultation on its plans to make it illegal to sell energy drinks to children and now supermarkets ban energy drinks for under-16s.

The most common ingredients other than caffeine in energy drinks are sugar, B vitamins, amino acid derivatives and herbal extracts. Sugar is usually the main source of calories in energy drinks, although some drinks don’t contain sugar. B vitamins play a big role in converting the food you eat into energy your body can use. Amino acid derivatives for example taurine and L-carnitine. Both taurine and L-carnitine are naturally produced by the body and play roles in multiple biological processes. Herbal extracts, such as guarana, are likely to be included to add more caffeine, but it may have positive effects on brain function.

In conclusion, I agree with this topic as I feel that it shows the hidden facts behind energy drinks. I feel like they should not be legal to buy, as they can lead to many side effects and health risks, such as type 2 diabetes, late miscarriage, hallucinations and irregular heartbeats. They can even lead to death. I feel like they are also unnecessary to the body as people say they use them to give them energy which doesn’t help the body as it can lead to body fat gain.

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