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‘Sigfried’s Smelly Socks!’ by Len Foley is a funny story for children from 4 to 7 years old. A small boy Siegfried is trying to find out what’s stinking so bad about the book. Every page of it reveals a new answer to the question: where could the bad smell possibly come from? The book invites us on a journey to a bizarre and funny world of all kinds of unpleasant smells that got stuck to the pages of the book. We also come to know Sigfried’s family: his brother, his sister, his uncle, as well as his pet – a dog. They all have added some bad smells to the book. But there is something else that really stinks. What might that be? Throughout all 27 pages, we are following Sigfried’s ‘investigation’ until he finally finds the source.

Not too many words and the rhyme make reading fun and catchy for kids. A colorful and funny picture on each page captures attention and adds even more fun to read it. It’s either a playful drawing made by the author or a gross realistic photo of food with splashed ketchup left on the book pages. I could easily imagine a parent reading it for his child, laughing and eww-ing together in all the appropriate moments.

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There are many things I like about the book – the vivid colors, the funny pictures and shocking photos, the interactive, captivating, and really funny story, as well as the skillfully used font paint, matching the thing it speaks about. I even like the disputable fact that Sigfried’s uncle (an adult!) did something gross and smelly to the book. Especially I enjoy the end of the book, which seems quite unpredictable.

I could only make a remark about the font paint color, which isn’t very accurate sometimes. For example, the words ‘orange’ or ‘blue’ are written in red and purple, while the words ‘green’ and ‘red’ are written in the correct font color. Kids easily notice this kind of ‘mistake’. But that is probably just a print issue and might be improved. On the other hand, the book is exceptionally well-edited.

In skillful hands, ‘Sigfried’s Smelly Socks!’ by Len Foley might be a wonderful tool to teach kids important things, such as how to take care of books or personal hygiene. Even though the book is for children, adults might also have fun reading it – I surely did. In my opinion, the book might not be suitable for those who are sensitive to unpleasant smells and pictures of bad food. Other than that, this funny story would surely satisfy many small ladies and gentlemen who are about to learn to be clean and tidy.

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