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Among one of the episodes of the American documented television series ‘Explained’ is ‘Why Diets Fail’. The episode, which is dated 2018 is narrated by Maria Bello. The main idea of the film is body weight loss, which is believed to be related to dieting.
For a long time, beauty standards have been set to make people believe that those who have a perfect body are the ‘thin’. The introduction of the film, with no doubt, makes mention of this. It goes on to explain the situation in the USA where there has even been a $66 billion dieting industry, of best-selling books, frozen meals, membership programs, powders and pills, all claiming to hold the secret to weight loss. The belief many people have had for years that by cutting carbs those who diet would eat more calories and still lose more weight is opposed in this film as it explains that studies have found that not to be the case. The film then goes ahead to make mention of a research study that was conducted to look at low-fat versus low-carb diets which shockingly proved that the type of diet doesn’t matter and that diets don’t work for most people because they are simply unable to stick to them. In addition, the film mentions many other cases related to dieting. Such are the ‘Biggest Loser’ show, the ‘Metrecal’ protein shake among others. In conclusion, it states that diets fail because people are seen to “solely focus on the weight loss component yet human physiology is set up to make sure we maintain our weight”.
In my view, the episode was very interesting and informative to watch. The fact that dieting has been a controversial topic for a while made it more intriguing to find out why in fact they don’t work for some people. The information provided by the researchers and the creators of the film is sufficient as it made me understand the whole thing about diets and dieting.
I definitely liked the film as it helped me gain more information about dieting. It is with no doubt that many people have ever, at one point or another in their lives tried to or taken part in a diet, myself included. This is supported by the statistics presented in the film from a research that proved women took part in different diets around seven times in their lifetime.
I was satisfied with all the information presented and the creators undoubtedly fulfilled their goal of creating the film and even outdid themselves with the explanations and research statistics.
When it comes to what I did not like about the film, I have to be honest and say that I enjoyed every part of it and it is for that reason that I would recommend this film to everyone interested in this topic, either for your general knowledge or for your current diet to be successful.
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Controversy Surrounding Dieting in ‘Why Diets Fail’: Movie Review.
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