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Life of Pi is a novel that deals with the conflict of beliefs and reasons which is similar to that in religion when it comes to helping human beings to overcome extreme situations or traumas. The novel’s protagonist, Piscine Molitor Patel, also known as Pi, is a young Indian boy, who’s a survivor of the shipwreck, loses his family, and finds himself in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. In the last part of the novel, he tells two different versions of stories about being on the lifeboat with animals and replacing those animals with people. In this novel by Yann Martel, religion and beliefs are used in a way that invites the reader to consider how Richard Parker embodies salvation, and how beliefs influence the protagonist’s life that leads to the “better story.”

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According to Michael Thorn in Cannibalism, Communion, and Multifaith Sacrifice in the Novel and Film Life of Pi, the novel’s unreliable narration gives the ending two possibilities of what might really happen on Pi’s journey at sea. In this essay, I will discuss the interdependence of Pi and Richard Parker and how this connects to the faith, hope, and salvation of Pi through Richard Parker. This connection leads him to justify the “better story.” In Gregory Stephens’ Feeding Tiger, Finding God: Science, Religion, and ‘the Better Story’ in Life of Pi, he argues about how Pi’s religious practices prepare him for his ordeal. According to him, Pi’s “better story” can make nonbelievers believe in God and believers reenvision God in a new way. In this essay, I will examine Pi’s pantheism which represents his faith and belief, and how Richard Parker gives Pi a sense of stoicism and the form of divinity through Richard Parker that leads him in justifying the “better story.”

The author presents multiple religious faith in the protagonist’s life. Pi was raised practicing Hinduism as his religion. He soon learned about Christianity and Islam and accepts all of this as part of one divine truth, or others would call it Pantheism, a religious belief that the universe is a manifestation of God. His faith in being a Hindu opened his spiritual life to other religions as well as his insights about it, “I owe to Hinduism the original landscape of my religious imagination” (Chapter 17). He visualizes Jesus of Nazareth as Lord Krishna, and the same way the Muslims see God the way they see Jesus. “Hindus, in their capacity for love, are indeed hairless Christians, just as Muslims, in the way they see God in everything, are bearded Hindus, and Christians, in their devotion to God, are hat-wearing Muslims” (Chapter 16). Pi is convinced that they are all built on a feeling of profound admiration, and love. Through the love and the sense of peace he is filled with, he could define his identity and faith as being the center of his life.

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