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Success will never come when one gives up trying to reach it. Success is the always results of efforts. Every successful person personality was developed from past experiences (Myers).The one who has the greatest amount of hard work, dedication and skill will be the one who becomes most successful. Traits of a successful person are as follows:

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  • Always aim for bigger picture.
  • Successful person never stops learning.
  • They have clear-cut goals.
  • They never think about results.
  • Take more risks.

Any successful person never thinks about the results. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go (ELIOT). A successful person has a lot of self-motivation and finds purpose in their lives by discovering personally meaningful goals and dreams. I don’t expect to do what is possible I want to do what is needed to be done (ElonMusk). For example, Elon Musk himself failed many times in his entire life. He wants to launch his own satellite in space so he went to Russia with $8 million to send his own satellite but Russians rejected him then he came back to the U.S and read books on space, rockets, and satellite. And set up his own space transportation services company name SpaceX and fail to send the first three satellite in space. He lost all the profits that he got from PayPal and funding from NASA. But also, he announced in the news that he will send his space satellite in the next two months and finally he gets a succeeded. In addition, he signed $1.5 billion deal with NASA. And this is how he made first private aerospace manufacturing company. So, the person should run behind the success not to hide from failure.

In brief, many great people have suggested different ways to achieve success. But the real secret element to nail success is to believe that we are already successful. If people stick to traits of success, nothing can stop us from tasting success. Success is a journey which continues even after the goal is achieved.


  1. ELIOT, T. (n.d.).
  2. Stone, D., Linden Moyer, A., French, G., Musk, E., Gump, D., Kathuria, C., . . . Pickens, T. (2008). NASA’s approach to commercial cargo and crew transportation. Acta Astronautica, (1-4).

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