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About Myself
Romans, I, Cassius should be Rome’s next leader for I promise that never again will anyone be repressed, or I become overly ambitious for my own good, unlike our previous ruler. I promise that the power of the ruler shall not envelop the power of my fellow Romans for I know firsthand that “now is it Rome indeed, and room enough when there is in it but one only man.” (Shakespeare 36) I have felt the day where, “I [thought to wear] this dagger then; Cassius from bondage will deliver Cassius…”, which is why after I become the next leader no one will ever have to feel like I did. (Shakespeare 54) My platform of restricting the powers of the government to return to the republic as our ancestors left shall be implemented if you elect me. The issue of the leader holding too much power is near my heart for I have worked hard to remove our previous leader who had himself over Rome which is something I don’t accept.
Leadership Skills
I should be the leader because I am compassionate towards all no matter if they are my enemy. My compassion has been experienced by my fellow competitor when, “I, as Aeneas, our great ancestor, Did from the flames of Troy upon his shoulder, the old Anchisease bear, so from the waves of Tibet,” despite being challenged by this man to swim the mighty Tibet. (Shakespeare 34) I should also be the next leader for I am just to all which was seen when I gave Antony an equal voice which was, “as strong as any man’s disposing of new dignities,” even though he opposed us. (Shakespeare 118) I am also loyal to Rome and wish for its success and will put my life at stake for Rome and my fellow Romans which has been proven on many occasions like recently when I committed an act that could’ve led to my prosecution for you, my fellow Romans. Lastly, I am good at congregating people and listening to everyone’s ideas as seen with me making a group to fulfill a mission. This skill is a good skill for the leader because the leader must listen to all the senators and help them stay together to make decisions beneficial to Rome rather than having it like before with an absolute ruler.
Caesar is overly ambitious, which can be seen when he banished the noble Publius without being crowned so if he is elected who else will he banish? Also, Caesar is overly confident which is seen when he ignored the soothsayer’s advice which isn’t good for a leader because if one doesn’t care for himself, then that individual is no good for Rome. Also, his dependence on his wife’s dream for his failure or success is not good for this state because a man should have his own brain to make judgments and not rely on others. Antony’s reliance on Caesar makes him a bad leader because if he is elected then basically, you’ll be electing Caesar for Antony is just “a limb” of Caesar. Also, Antony’s party attitude and “quick spirit” is not ideal for a leader for his jovial attitude may come in the way of a serious situation that Rome may face. Lastly, Antony’s persuasion isn’t ideal for his words may trick the innocent people of dear Rome into covering the mistakes that he makes as he did in the case of the conspirators. O Noble Brutus, an unworthy leader, is running against me. A man who can’t even withhold information from his wife, how will he keep Rome’s secret from others? A man who needs others to encourage him to do the right thing rather than using his own instinct isn’t worthy because as a leader one shouldn’t need others to make decisions. Lastly, Brutus’ attitude changes while making one decision to fight against evil what will happen once, he becomes the king, will he become the next Caesar? Portia, the lovely wife of Brutus, who hasn’t seen the world outside her home is running to be a leader. The one known for her beauty and for being the daughter of Cato, not a woman based on her own merit is running against me a self-made man. Who do you want as your leader my fellow Romans?
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