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The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin has been used as a master piece in the study of evolution. In the book, Darwin explains how natural selection was an important sieve for growth of different species. Only animals with desired traits were able to survive and perpetuate in the environment.

The book, also discusses divergent and convergent evolution theories. Just, as the organisms, candy has gone through evolution over time, in his lecture Pauls says “Candies’ morphologies are similar to those of organisms,” (Steve, 2011, p.1). Candy’s divergent evolution system also has seen a variety of candy types today.

The evolution of candy similar to those of the organism, may explain the reason why candy has found a centre spot in celebrating Darwin’s days. Walter a biology proffers in their yearly celebration did say, “I can’t remember ever having this much fun on Darwin’s birthday” (Steve, 2011, p. 1)

The word ‘Candy’ can be traced back to 13th century, as French term Cucre Candi, which also was adopted from Persian Qand (cane sugar). There is a belief the root of the word is Sanskrit Khanda (sugar piece). Historians and linguistics also associate the word with kattu or Kantu (condense or harden) from Dravadian.

Candy is generally used to as a name for various kinds of brands such as tart, licorice, chocolate, salty candies, taffies, hard candies, gumdrops, candy bars, marshmallows, and sour candies (Steve, 2011). Nevertheless; several fruits, vegetables and nuts were glazed and called candies. In most Commonwealth nations, candy is generically referred to as sweets, while in New Zealand and Australia, they are called lollies.

Candy bore its ancestry to ancient Egyptian civilization. Certain fruits and nuts made in honey roll and left to dry. During this type, refined sugar was not available. Later, the honey coated fruits and nuts spread to the Arabian and Chinese world. Element of today’s candy is traceable to when sugarcane growth started. During this time, only upper class members of the societies could afford it, however.

The first form of modern candy was used in the American colonies made of boiled sugars. Cocoa for chocolate bore its origin in Mexico, after its discovery several candies started to spring up. It was used as a tasty dish and a coating additive for nuts and nuts. Mayan community was already using hot chocolate even before candy birth surfaced.

It is evident that evolution of candy was widely spread across the world and over a big span of time. Industrial revolution of 1800s marked the growth of candy. Machineries were created to help in different manufacturing processes during this time. Demand also increased due to wider capitalist market. Sweetshops were rapidly opening up and candy competition was rapidly heightening.

Wunderlee is remembered as the first man to produce candy from candy corn. This was in the late 1800 century. Jelly Belly formally known as Goelitz Candy Company is among the earliest producers of candy. Popularity of cone grew as a result of its agrarian among farmers due to its agrarian look.

However, production inefficiency only made its production to be carried out twice a year. However, the crop found its usefulness in Halloween for over 100 years. It is day is celebrated on every 30th of October as National Candy Corn Day. It has high calories up to 140 calories per serving. Candy has found extensive use beyond Halloween as Christmas Reindeer Corn, Easter Bunny Corn and Cupid Valentine Corn.

Candy first came into America as imports from France and Britain. Most colonialist had no knowledge of sugar work; hence the wealthy capitalist could not access sugar. Rock candy came in handy among the rich during this time; however, it was very expensive that only the very rich could afford it. Advance technology of 1830s industrial change created a shift in candy market as well. Industrial revolution created wider market as the working class also joined the rich in consumption of candy.

Children as well could afford confections and they demand rapidly expanded. Candy store were rapidly growing for children both from the rich and working class. This was when penny candy strike the market for children. Medically, lozenges were coated with penny candies for children due to their bitter taste (Wallace & Forte, 2008).

Candy differentiation largely came in 1847, when candy press was invented. Numerous sizes and shapes of candy could be produced. 4 years later, revolving pan was invented that boiled candy under steam power. Work force required making candy become less, consequently, making candy become easier. More candy could be manufactured depending on the demand. Confectioners could easily make any desired size or shape according to the need in the market.

Candy manufacturing was always in constant evolution to meet the need of the people and also due to technological changes. In 1927, antismoke activist Eduard Haas imported the Pez candy into United States of America.

This was to fight cigarette smoking by creating a substitute. Pez market attractiveness was too low that forced Haas to innovate a new packaging dispensable child toy. It struck the market so fast and candy became very popular in America among children. Pez today is manufactured in Connecticut by PEZ CANDY, Inc. (Steve, 2011)

Chewing gum is traced to mastic tree, which was being chewed for its resin by Greeks. Walter Diemer stumbled upon bubble gum in 1928 during his experiments. The gum was more flexible and less sticky. The new gum was set in the market as Dubble Bubble. It could be blown into balloons and sold for a long time before Bazooka captured the market.

Traditional candy found a lot of uses in the community. In Damascus, candy such as gummi bear and marshmallows were made from collagen or other animal products that were unsuitable for vegetarians. Additionally, candy contained sugar which caused gum disease. In his book Hamilton says, “Candy is heath and disease at the same time” (Hamilton, 2009, p.54)

When left under the gum for a long time they attract bacteria that cause gum infections as well as tooth cavity. Children who failed to brush their teeth regularly suffered from cavity problems. On the other handy statistics have shown that those consuming using candy have longer life than people who are not using it (Johnson, 2006).


Different forms of candy today are used as a treat and gift on various occasions. Candy industry is continually growing with more innovations. Valentine candy was used in the past and presently with heart shape as a sign of love. Different shapes and types have been made to suit both adults and children.

Statistics shows that candy treats are increasing both in the households and in working areas. However, very few people understand candy’s evolution. Despite great heights that candy has achieved more evolution is expected with candy with constant changes in the market and technological advancement. Today, candy is sold in the markets across the world under numerous names and brands.


Hamilton, C. (2009). Footprints in the sugar: A history of the Great Western Sugar Company. Ontario, OR: Hamilton Bates.

Johnson, L. (2006). All Hallows Eve: The story of the Halloween fairy. Warren, RI: Positive Spin Press.

Steve R. (2011). Darwin Days Celebrated with the Evolution of Candy. The Point News. Web.

Wallace, C., & Forte, G. (2008). The professional personal chef: The business of doing business as a personal chef. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

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