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Have you ever been blindsided by others? Or manipulated into going against your own personal beliefs? Well, Good morning to the English Teachers Association. Now Shakespeare has been named one of the best poets, playwrights, and actors of his time by multiple people like John Dryden “He was the man who of all modern, are perhaps ancient poets, had the largest and most comprehensive soul. But Shakespeare’s magic could not be copied be; within that circle, none durst walk but he.” As you can properly tell Shakespeare was ahead of his time with his language, range of plays, the influence of literacy culture, and exciting plots. Language is one of the key components of Shakespeare being studied because how he does not use simple words and forces them into the character’s mouths. Instead, he uses words that are striking that stay with us during and after the play. Shakespeare also uses poetic techniques like Puns and metaphors. A range of plays is also found within the mix because of not every play that Shakespeare wrote was a major hit or successful, but he wrote a large body of plays. The two themes that outclassed the others include comedy and tragedy. Influence on literary culture is a key reason Shakespeare being studied is how other writers use him in their own books or novels. Shakespeare is like the window into many writers after him. Lastly, the fourth-key element to Shakespeare being studied is excitement Shakespeare is infrequently boring, he brings a wide range of characters with extraordinary traits to go with them. witches, ghosts, fairies, laughter, fighting, horror, romance, and bloodshed, are the best characters and themes that he used. His work is relevant because of how significantly relatable his stories and characters are, just because they are old does not mean that they are unreliable. Shakespeare’s characters are still popular in modern-day society for example Romeo, Juliet, Macbeth, Julius Ceaser, and many more. These characters are so popular because of the given traits; roles and characterization detailed upon them by Shakespeare, certain aspects of the characters help us feel connected to them or relatable. Characters play a very important role in stories because they drive the story as a whole, different characters create different settings, emotions, conflicts, and tension within the story. Shakespeare’s characters remain popular in today’s modern day because of how the characters are portrayed which therefore makes them relatable to their audience.
Brutus is quite a complex character who was a Roman politician who starred in the Shakespearian play Julius Ceaser. Brutus is referred to be quite a noble and honorable man whom everyone respects. He has strict moral ethics and beliefs that help conduct his life and his longing to protect the people of Rome. When Cassius came to Brutus in the night believing he could alter his mind to commit assassination against his best friend Julius Ceaser. Brutus contains himself to uphold his own personal values, beliefs, and attitudes. These values, beliefs, and attitudes deceive Brutus in the assassination of his best friend Julius Ceaser.
Brutus’s qualities are the key reason for his character being so popular in the modern day. These given qualities bestowed upon him by Shakespeare help his character become more relatable and agreeable to others. This is shown by his characteristics, which include his idealism and his greatest virtue, which is quite possibly his worst flaw. During the play Brutus lives up to, Mark Antony has given description as “the noblest of Romans”. Which is to show great personal qualities or high moral standards which are done throughout the play multiple times. Brutus is a complex character whose self-belief kills the leader of Rome, which therefore leads to a civil war between two parties of the Roman Empire. His character’s complexity and high moral standards make him out to be what every person desires to be honorable, and noble, with high morals, strong beliefs, and selflessness. In modern-day society, only a select few people still hold these qualities to their person. Somebody who still holds these characteristics in modern-day society is quite heavily looked upon for help or answers.
Society has continued to learn from Brutus’s characteristics and complexity as a person through, his noble and honorable characteristics, which create respect and trust among his peers. These key traits have been introduced into society to help teach others that being honorable is a good quality to have as a person. Brutus’ key qualities idealism and his greatest virtue, are the reason for his popularity within modern-day society. Multiple people have attained similar or the same self-morals, beliefs, and values as his own, but never seem to keep them. Brutus’ reputation is so immense and powerful that others will manipulate others who have no decision to join. The message that Brutus sends to others is that if you are honorable and have selfless traits put others in front of yourself. However, when you put others in front of your own personal beliefs and friends. You can become clouded by their wants and wishes, which are then pushed against you. The play Julius Ceaser has messages that can be taken away by the audience, Humans have savage hidden traits, particularly that ones who are ambitious. Brutus betrays his best friend Julius Ceaser and picks his friends wisely, especially the determined ones.
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