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BigLafz Puzzle Company is experiencing some organizational challenges owing to the deteriorating financial performance. Having been in the business environment for almost a century, the organization finds itself caught between ‘a rock and a hard place’ owing to its decreasing profitability. In fact, it has lost its competitive edge over its rivals and the collapse of the economy that has stripped the consumers off their spending power complicating the situation even further.
To rectify the situation, the managing director seeks to minimize the labor costs through layoffs and downsizing strategies. This brings about the ethical dilemma of which employee to fire given that the company has decided to fire only one employee. Potential employees for layoff are four. The manager ought to choose the one to fire considering they all have different credentials and needs. This analysis provides insights of the employee who deserves to go home by use of reasoning.
Baradacco Jr (1997) provides an outline of factors to consider when making right versus right decision and solving ethical dilemmas and puzzles. Cost benefit analysis explores the consequences of a certain managerial decision. If the negative consequences are considerably lower than the expected benefits, the decision is appropriate. Beyond this analysis, it is important not to infringe on the human and labor rights of an individual when making a decision (Baraccado Jr, 2002).
Hence, it is appropriate to explore the potential of the decision to violate people’s rights. Third, individual character is of paramount importance and so is the organization’s character. For this reason, a manager ought to analyze the way the decision will injure or enhance the organization’s character and integrity. Finally, a manager should consider pragmatism as explicated by Machiavelli of dealing with the world as it is and being realistic (Baraccado Jr, 2002).
Considering all these factors, as the manager of BigLafz Puzzle Company I would make a decision of firing Tyrone. The rationale is that on a cost-benefit analysis, the company stands to lose a young, ambitious and multi talented employee whose has been impeccable in performance.
But at what cost? In Tyrone, the organization has a person who is boastful of his achievements, casual on deadlines and ignorance of detail when asked to deliver on a project. Apparently, the organization is unsure of the longevity of his stay at the company owing to various resumes he has dropped to competing companies. As such, the company will lose an employee it has nurtured making the organization to train other people or even recruit new person to fill his position incurring even increased expenses in the long-term.
Second, the company will not be infringing on the employee’s rights. The rationale is that the company management has noticed his unbecoming behavior in the context of the organization and consequently, given him some warnings. He has not worked for the organization long enough to be pensionable and thus, his rights will not be violated. Third, character is an important factor that managers should consider when making such decisions.
Tyrone is single and has no dependants unlike employees such as Felicia who works extra hard to meet the obligations of her household composed of three teenagers. Hence, the only person that the decision will affect is Tyrone. This will enhance the character of organization since the barbaric behavior he exhibits is not in line with the culture of the organization. It also defies integrity that the organization desires (Baraccado Jr, 2002).
Finally, the organization’s management should be pragmatic and deal with the world as it is. This does not entail acting recklessly but understanding that the image of the organization would ultimately stand to lose owing to the behavior of Tyrone. To that end, I would fire Tyrone.
Badaracco Jr, J. (1997). Defining Moments: When Mangers Must Choose Right and Right. Wisconsin: Pearson Books.
Braccado Jr, J. (2002). Defining Moments: Lecture Text. Harvard Business School, 1(2), 1-12.
Chester, B. & Thomson, K. (2003). Organization and Management. New York: McGraw Hill Publishers.
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