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The purpose of this essay is to reflect upon my time here at the NCO Academy and to talk about which lesson I related to the most. I have learned an exponential amount of knowledge throughout my experience here Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s Basic Leader’s Course. I learned a great deal about the Army in general and also about leadership and the Army’s thought processes behind it. I can use this information and take it back to my unit as I prepare myself to progress in the ranks. One of the most important classes taught by our small group leaders was the lesson on the leadership requirements model (LRM). The Army’s leadership requirements model outlines the attributes and competencies of a leader.

Leadership and the Army is very important and it differs from person to person. We learn from our mistakes and from other NCO’s mistakes as what works and what does not work when you are in charge and have Soldiers under you. There are different leadership roles and require more or less effort. The LRM is based on the BE-KNOW-DO perception. This theory is based on our character, knowing the skills we need to have and the actions we take to become an effective leader.

The leadership requirements model contains 3 attributes of an Army leader. The attributes are character, presence and intellectual capacity. These ideas focus most on what a leader is instead of the actions a leader must take. Character is based on the person’s identity, which are factors that are central and internal and makes up that individual. A leader demonstrating character must live by the Army values and warrior ethos, and must show empathy towards soldiers. The Army values are essential for effective leaders and these values are key to helping us discern between what right and wrong. The warrior ethos represents all soldiers and their professionalism in the Army. Empathy is caring for soldiers in their time of need and not being based. We as leaders should try to fill the shoes of our soldiers and try to relate with their feelings and emotions. Attributes outline how leaders act in their environment.

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The leadership requirements model contains 3 competencies of an Army leader. The competencies are to lead, develop and to achieve. We must learn to lead by example and know that our soldiers are watching what we do and will act accordingly.

Consistent communication is also very important. Communication is not just relaying information but also being able to partake in active listening. This shows that we genuinely care for our subordinates.

In conclusion, leadership is more than just being in charge of soldiers and just giving them orders. According to the leadership requirements model, as leaders we must learn to possess these attributes and competencies.

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