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Customer services, the very aspect in completing the formality in treating customers with the respect and pleasant services as expected by the recipient. What started in the old times has carried through many changes as society evolves. Of course, thanks to the power of literature and documentation, the record of customer services is kept for analysis on how much it has evolved over time through each cultural society. In the story of “Letters from Thailand”, it can be inferred that there was an indication inscribed about customer services. It’s the very nature of such study that indicates the element of social interactions such as customer services. Although it is clear that it has evolved over time throughout cultural societies, there is no indication of how much the evolution has changed the very nature of customer services. It is, therefore, our research main goal to find out the density of cultural evolution and whether or not its very nature has changed over time.


To further illuminate the very aspect in the evolution of customer services, our research team has conducted a thorough analysis of articles, books, and published journals related to the aforementioned topic. As mentioned, the purpose of this research is to answer the doubts of whether or not customer services have drastically evolved beyond recognition. As further analogy on the subject needs extra illumination, we, the researchers, have come up with another objective question. A question to compare the perspective of customer services in the present to that in the past period within Chinese cultures much like that in the story of “Letters from Thailand”.

For the very purpose of this research, we decided to approach this matter through the method of random samplings. First of all, we decided to select 15 people with Chinese backgrounds so that it would be much relevant to our analysis of the Chinese culture as written in the “Letters from Thailand”. Randomly selected participants will be followed with a requested interview with each of them to discuss the topic of customer services. As researchers who are collecting data, we have prepared a set list of questions to ask the participants. The interview started with an introduction to our purpose of the interview, followed by letting the participants introduce themselves and their familiarity with the term “customer services”. Having answered the question, we proceeded by them about their perspective on customer services back in the past. Depending on their answer, we brought up the relativity to modern services that customers would receive on daily basis. All the questions are made to reflect on their experiences to ensure the credibility and legitimacy of the data of which we inquire.

Having inquired the data from the interviewed participants, we later arranged them into categories in order to find out whether a majority of participants believe that customer services have drastically evolved beyond recognition or not. Through “Mean” analytical testing, it can be seen that our final result has led us to believe that the customer services we provide and receive today are completely different from what used to be practice in the past. The majority average of people believing that customer services today have far transcended that of the past has open up a new gate of our research. We, the researchers, believe that further research is needed to illuminate the different elements between the past and present customer services, as well as why, are they so different.

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To our effort in finding out the significant difference between the customer services in the past and in the present days, we came to upon a revelation. Among all the pieces of literature we have read so far, the differences between customer services in the past and in the present are undeniably clear. In the past, it can be seen throughout the story of “Letters from Thailand” the very definition of customer services. Customer service is the act of providing customers before, during, and after they purchase the product. Customers absolutely expect an enjoyable experience from the products or services. It’s one of the reasons behind their reliability towards a business. The more they are pleased, the more likely they continue doing business with you. From what we have explored from the story, Saung U never believes in selling at the highest price that a customer is able to pay. In their perspective, selling the product at less than the market price would work well for their customers to learn that bargaining the price is a waste of time. Saung U’s father advised him that “we sell our products at the going rate, they will do far better in the future”. “What we call the fair price is the fairest they will find. Better than selling high and send them away feeling they have learned a hard lesson. To take advantage of anyone is to lose.” These viewpoints show that customer service solutions are not about selling at the highest price to their customer and keep selling their products at the going price rate in order to gain a better achievement. For them, Earning the customers is the most important thing to focus on like some business people out there claim that we must put our customers first then we will focus on the profit and that was actually applied by many business starters. Everything is all about providing the nicest hospitality and pleasure to the customers so that they might have great experiences. It can be seen that customer services have developed as time passed by in societies. Furthermore, customer service is getting closer to the customers so close that you can tell what they need before they realized themselves, so close that you will know what they desire and what their first requirement. Back in the past, there was a lack of technology and telecommunication so customer services substantially relied on human interactions. From the studied text, we have noticed that Suang U discovers what would sell best in Bangkok and he also learns that he needs to attract the regular customer first by sending his friend, Kim to find out which confections that people like the most and who are the exact buyers. And, that is the process of how Saung U’s business is getting successful and is well known by people. The way people deal with customers has clearly shown us that it might take months to find customers but it can rapidly take a second to lose one so be kind, be patient and respect your customers even they choose not to do business with you.

Contrastingly in the present days, it can be seen that customer services tend to soothe the clients’ convenience in their purchases. With the inclusion of responses made by the costumers to business owners, it can be inferred that the modern customer services today are to be superior in more ways than one such as surveys and rating that would ensure the owners how to best improve their services and performances (ASQ, n.d.). However, that’s not all. With the revelation of the internet, comes new ways in costumer services such as online shopping (Jiang et al., 2013). Costumers perceived online shopping convenience plays a vital role in accessing satisfaction (Guatam, 2018). For instance, during holidays. For it is a holiday, it would be too crowded to get anywhere. That’s why with the capability of the internet as well as the customer services of online shopping and delivery services provided by the company owner, consumers can easily get access to any purchases without having to travel as the package would directly come to them. Besides, customer lifetime value can also be an addition to modern customer services as it would ensure that customers would likely come back for more purchases on your services (Amaresan, 2021). While it is a well-known fact that words travel fast within the vast space of the internet, all it takes for a business to boom is a post of good review. Consumers tend to leave a review regarding the experience of the quality in which the service they received. More importantly, those reviews can be spread as more and more customers will be enticed by the review and attract even more customers thus making the business strike gold. All these methods are possible because of the internet. Customer services indeed have now worn a new face as it will continue to evolve through time.


Having completed the two separate analyses on both the customer services in the past and in the present days, it can be seen that the very nature of customer services has yet to change at all despite the technique used for the implementations highly differentiate one from another. In the past, customer services can be seen heavily relied on human interactions with one another, most likely between business owners and clients. People were friendly to one another to ensure a smooth process of services and purchases. Friendliness was used to ensure a complete return of the other proceeding as a customer would likely be back for the satisfaction they receive from their purchases. On the other hand, it can be seen that with the modern interpretation of customer services, people tend to prioritize more on technology for convenience and competence. People tend to are compelled by the convenience of technological tools that make it so that could easily make their purchases. This can be seen through the example of online shopping conducted through the revelation of the internet as mentioned above. However, what’s fascinating is the fact that the feeling of satisfaction of customers never changed. The fundamental value of customer services is to ensure customers’ satisfaction and desire to return for future purchases. While it is true that customers between two drastically distinguished periods of time enjoy different satisfaction as inscribed above, it doesn’t change the fact that customer services have evolved beyond recognition. It is therefore our conclusion that while it is true that customer services have evolved over time, the very fundamental aspect of it still remains the same as when it was born.


It can be concluded that, while the methods used in implementing customer services may drastically evolve over time throughout societies, the fundamental value in which to ensure the customers’ satisfaction and desire to make future purchases still remains. At first, through the data we have collected from Chinese cultured participants, we were led to believe that customer services have transcended beyond recognition as time passed to modernization. However, through further studies on the very aspect of customer services, we are highly convinced that customers still receive the same fulfilling emotion whether they receive warm and friendly hospitality or when they can only have to spend little effort to easily make their purchases. It can, therefore, inferred that this research has awakened an understanding of the very purpose of customer services no matter the form of implementation, which is to emotionally entice and appeal to customers’ needs and comfort.

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